TheRealKristinC "Checkout the September issue of Nylon Magazine to see my latest shoot! :)" about 30 minutes ago from web
I'm pretty sure that this is NOT Kristin's real Twitter account. I believe that hers is Cavawhatt, but I could be wrong - if you have any information on her real Twitter account, let me know! Regardless of what is real or not, I do know that this is September's issue of Nylon Magazine.
Erin Lucas: Not A Heidi Montag Fan
In other Twitter news, former City star, Erin Lucas, posted her straight-to-the-point opinion of Heidi Montag's Miss Universe performance from her Twitter page, "PUKE IN MOUTH. THIS BITCH IS MAKING A MOCKERY OF THE MUSIC BUSINESS." Well said, Ms. Lucas.
Erin Lucas: Not A Heidi Montag Fan