Whitney's Blog: Introducing My Friend Roxy Olin!

Hi everyone!!! So I've been getting a lot of questions regarding my friendship with Roxy Olin who will be joining the cast of The City this season. There's been some speculation in the tabloids as to whether or not we are truly friends or if she was just cast for the show. For anyone that has any doubts that the relationships on The City are real, Rox is actually one of my closest friends! She and I went to high school together and we were both on the dance team for four years. We even dated best friends!!! I know some of you may think she just showed up randomly, so here's the back story on Roxy!

She decided to move to New York after looking for a fresh start and a more dynamic place to live. Having both grown up in Los Angeles, we needed to get out of that bubble and experience something new. We are having soooooo much fun together. She is such a loyal friend and there really is nothing like having a person who comes from the same roots with you in an unfamiliar place.

Get excited to watch our trials and tribulations when The City comes back at the end of September!!!


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