Speidi: Twitter Hoax

Heidi and her sorry excuse for a husband, Spencer Pratt, have been trying to get the world of Twitterers to follow a fake Audrina.. Keep in mind that Audrina Patridge has a verified Twitter account - which she has not tweeted from since 7/11 at 3:53pm PT - and that the Audrina whose page they are promoting goes by the same name but spells "official" wrong - "offical."

So is this some sort of Speidi-construed hoax? If you look at the page, you will notice that "Audrina's" bio states: "Hey It's audrina patridge Follow me :) I love heidi." LOL, need I say more?

heidimontag "@officalaudrina hey welcome to twitter! everyone follow Audrina!!!! xoxox" about 3 hours ago from web

spencerpratt "RT @heidimontag: @officalaudrina hey welcome to twitter! everyone follow Audrina!!!! xoxox" about hours ago from TwitterFone

The false Audrina tried to prove her credibility by posing this link that leads nowhere:

officalaudrina "Want Proof? Here! This is REALLY me holding a piece of paper http://twitpic.com/a9lz3" about an hour ago from TwitPic

The most recent tweet said, "Ok, leaving now so I'll be back in about 2 hours, remember!!! 8,000 more followers and my secret will be out! keep helping me out loves" at 6pm PT from web.

Ok, I'll admit it I am getting curious a bit. What is the secret, fake Audrina??

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