This message made me think.. Hm, I wonder if NY Boy has a Twitter as well. That is when I found KyleHulcher. Stephanie follows him on Twitter and he is the only one on her list who is from NYC.. And I found the following messages - all in reply to message from Steph herself - on his page:
@StephaniePratt what????? you lie....OMG LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! you have to come back!!!!"
@StephaniePratt "oh come on!!! ok answer this - will you be retuning for a visit soon??? ;-)"
@StephaniePratt "had the best time with you last night. come back soon. xoxo"
So who is this Kyle Hulcher? He is in the PR business and once worked for Lizzie Grubman. Hulcher now works for Talent Resources, a celebrity marketing company, as an account manager. The picture to the right was taken from his Facebook page.