Stephanie Pratt: Two-Faced?

Stephanie Pratt’s always been sweet, dependable and honest to a fault. Which is why LC was able to look past her questionable family tree, occasional meddling and dishonorable discharge from People’s Rev. But while we think of Steph as a girl who always says EXACTLY what she’s thinking, Fox News' Pop Tarts claims she’s actually holding back. Especially when it comes to her old pal Lauren.

According to Pop Tart spies? Pratt had “nothing but nice things to say” about Lauren to reporters at last weekend’s Lia Sophia Clam Bake, but was later overheard blabbing that LC “was not missed” and The Hills was “much better without her.”

Natch, we’re having trouble picturing Stephanie "I Have No Filter" Pratt as two-faced, but we CAN see her ranting and raving ’bout how next season’s Hills will be the best evs. Even if it IS the first season without her bestie/former boss, Lauren.

+ Think Fox’s gossip squad is just trying to stir up controversy, or could it be that Steph isn’t ALWAYS on Team LC? Tell us whether you think Stephanie was deliberately dissing Lauren or just a victim of irresponsible reporting.

Credit: MTV Remote Control

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