Would You Wear It: Cleave-Hugging Body Bling?

When the drinks are bubble-gum flavored, the step-and-repeats are hot pink and the partiers are mostly Kardashians, you’ve gotta dress to impress. And Erin Lucas had us at fuchsia. Laughing, blowing bubbles and mugging for the camera, the brightly clad City star sparkled at last week’s Three-O Bubble Vodka launch party. And as for her jewelry? Erin made a splash with this low-hanging, look-at-me-necklace, which is either sexy or scandalous, depending on your cleave comfort level.

+ Think the stylish City girl looks pretty in pink? Or is her daring necklace a don’t? Take the poll and let us know whether Erin’s cleavage-hugging jewelry is too hot to handle!

You tell us: Is Erin's necklace a hit or a miss?
Hit. Get over it, prudes. She looks amazing!
Miss. Love ya, Erin, but I'm just not digging the chest bling!
Undecided. Looks great on her, but I'd never wear it!

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