Feud of the Week: Stephanie vs. Perez Hilton

Stephanie Pratt and Perez Hilton exchanged some scathing Tweets this week. The subject of this feud? Steph's butchered face and Perez's lack of a life.

At the MTV VMAs Sunday night, Perez observed via Twitter that "Stephanie Pratt is so wasted! She's probably seconds away from barfing on her lap."

But when he added this line, in reference to Stephanie Pratt's plastic surgery, he really set off Spencer's sis: "She also had too much work done!"

Stephanie replied with a Tweet about Perez Hilton being a "piece of dog $h!t" who needs to get a life and "get off ur computer u F*%KING LOSER!"

Perez, never failing to get the last word or milk it for all it's worth once he has been acknowledged by a celebrity - or even Stephanie Pratt, for that matter - responded "Please b!tch, you wish you were me! At least I'm D-list."

Of course, had he stopped there, this would be a funnier story, but Perez had to keep needling at her, writing "you can get all the plastic surgery you want, you'll still be an ugly, formerly meth-addicted bitch." Ouch, that burns.

And finally, "You and Fergie have a lot in common - only she has talent and you have none. xoxo" All true, we suppose, but yeesh, Perez. Lay off.

Who's side are you on?
Team Steph!
Team Perez!

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