Is Boring The New Normal?

The launch of the new season on The Hills has come with a lot of media attention most of which focuses on the replacement of Lauren Conrad –or LC as she is known– with her brasher counterpart Kristin Cavallari. According to pop culture pundits we’re supposed to be excited about the drama Kristin is going to bring to The Hills compared to the supposedly “boring” LC. That Lauren was considered boring after solidly anchoring MTV’s top-rated show for several years came as news to me. When I watched Lauren on the Hills words like, “relatable”, “normal” and “down-to-earth” come to mind—but never boring. In fact, I’ve found her to be one of the more compelling characters on reality TV.

It’s hard to appreciate what LC brings to the table until you tune into shows like Rock of Love and see what passes for not-boring. Having been weaned in the era of reality TV, perhaps I’m immune to the appeal of the hot-tub orgies or the three-way bedroom romps on the Real World. Watching Lauren deal with workplace mishaps, relationship disappointments, and the constant betrayals of so-called friends was significantly more entertaining than watching women who look like they just slid off the pole argue over who gets to bone geriatric rocker Brett Michaels. That Lauren’s “drama” unfolded over a span of several years could be why some consider her boring. Who has the attention span nowadays to actually watch a story run its natural course rather than be forced into a 30 minute episode?

In the midst of all the look-at-me famewhores in the reality universe Lauren is an anomaly. She navigated her celebrity with a quiet dignity while avoiding the requisite DUIs, trips to rehab, and wardrobe malfunctions that seem to plague the rest of Young Hollywood. That Lauren does not degrade herself for public amusement seems to offend pop culture media enthusiasts who are quick to label people like her boring. These are the same pundits who hypocritically condemn trainwreck celebrities like Lindsay and Britney while simultaneously applauding them for their entertainment value.

After watching 10 minutes of the new Hills with Lauren’s replacement, Kristin Cavallari, screaming and posturing with all her might to provide entertainment for the masses I had to change the channel. I believe Lauren should take the “boring” label as a compliment. It obviously means she is a normal, functioning member of society rather than a loud, ill-behaved caricature. Lauren has taken her bow from reality television chased out of the genre by the need for MTV to inject more sass and trash into a once hugely popular Hills phenomenon. As reality TV gives way to the Kendras, Kardashians, and Kristins of the world, I for one will miss “boring” LC.

Credit: The Daily Spin Cycle

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