Kristin and Justin "Bobby": Who's Playing Who?

We already heard from Justin that it wasn't love at first sight with Kristin, and although there was some slow-dancing on tonight's Hills, so far the It Couple's budding relationship is looking pretty lax. (Sorry, PDA in front of a strobe light doesn't qualify as super romantic.) So here's the question: Do they actually like each other ... or are they just playing?

Kristin doesn't seem the type to settle down too quickly, and Audrina's saying Justin Bobby's just gonna fool with her heart. So what do you think? Is Kristin playing Justin? Is Justin playing Kristin? Does anyone actually like each other up in this joint? Take the poll and sound off!

The question remains: Who is the player?
Kristin. She's just in it to stir up trouble.
Justin. He's just in it for a good time.
They're both bad news.
Is it just me? I think they really like each other!

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