LC's Designs Clothes For Every Shape, Wallet Size

Lauren Conrad's always had amazing style, so we were bummed when she announced back in March that she'd be putting her chic-yet-pricey line (the Lauren Conrad Collection) on hiatus. But while we were mourning the loss of the LC Collection (psst, any extras, send 'em our way!), Lauren was churning out her latest project: an affordable new line of jeans and blouses for Kohl's department store!

The Hillzie's latest round of designs (coming atcha this fall) will be a recession-friendly vershe of her laid-back California styles. And this time, she's looking to please everyone, no matter what your budget -- or body type.

So what's Conrad's advice to all you would-be fashionistas? "It's all about finding silhouettes that highlight the best parts of your figure," LC told Shape magazine. And, of course, knowing how to dress for less. Natch, Lauren's ready to help out on both counts -- her new Kohl's line hits shelves this October.

Credit: MTV Remote Control

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